After the first spray the KattleGuard zinc-based Organic chemistry forms a thick scab over the wounds that greatly reduces pain and begins the healing process. Formaldehyde does not cause scab formation. Wounds remain open and are painful as the hoof structure tissue is mummified. Each treatment causes pain to the animal. Therefore cows hesitate to walk through these baths or you see animals that don’t want to put certain hooves into it.
In every head-to-head competition, KattleGuard has won
hands-down as a cost-effective sustainable alternative to
The reason for this is KattleGuard is not only a great antibacterial
product, but zinc has the ability to be absorbed by the skin and
levels in hoof area rise, killing bacteria deep in the skin while
boosting the immune system and speed of healing.
—University of Birmingham. B15 2TT, U.K.
KattleGuard is a great fertilizer. Its zinc improves the health and growth rate of your crops, also zinc naturally tied to sugars in plants provide optimal uptake of this nutrient when fed to your cows. The KattleGuard system was carefully engineered to yield the best hoof care results while not causing toxic issues, cancer, pain, corrosion, soil loading, or interfere with lagoon bacteria or methane generation.